如果ASS:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/asstosrt/0.1.3 然后走起。
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG> # Purpose: A batch poster of srt file to danmaku on Bilibili. # Created: 11/23/2014 # srt2Bilibili is licensed under GNUv2 license ''' srt2Bilibili 0.0.1 Beining@ACICFG cnbeining[at]gmail.com http://www.cnbeining.com https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili GNUv2 license ''' import sys import os import random import requests import urllib import pysrt import logging import hashlib import time as time_old import getopt from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString import xml.dom.minidom global FAKE_HEADER, APPKEY, SECRETKEY, VER, rnd, cid FAKE_HEADER = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'} APPKEY = '85eb6835b0a1034e' SECRETKEY = '2ad42749773c441109bdc0191257a664' VER = '0.01' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def calc_sign(string): """str/any->str return MD5. From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" return str(hashlib.md5(str(string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_cid_api(vid, p): """find cid and print video detail str,int?,str->str TODO: Use json. From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" cid = 0 if str(p) is '0' or str(p) is '1': str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) else: str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, p = p, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, p = p, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) logging.debug(biliurl) logging.info('Fetching webpage...') try: request = urllib.request.Request(biliurl, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) data = response.read() dom = parseString(data) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('cid'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": cid = node.toxml()[5:-6] logging.info('cid is ' + cid) break return cid except: # If API failed logging.warning('Cannot connect to API server! \nIf you think this is wrong, please open an issue at \nhttps://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues with *ALL* the screen output, \nas well as your IP address and basic system info.') return 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_cookie(cookie_raw): """str->dict 'DedeUserID=358422; DedeUserID__ckMd5=72682a6838d150dd; SESSDATA=72e0ee97%2C1419212650%2C6b47a180' cookie = {'DedeUserID': 358422, 'DedeUserID__ckMd5': '72682a6838d150dd', 'SESSDATA': '72e0ee97%2C1419212650%2C6b47a180'}""" cookie = {} logging.debug('Raw Cookie: ' + cookie_raw) for i in [i.strip() for i in cookie_raw.split(';')]: cookie[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] return cookie #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getdate(): """None->str 2014-11-23 10:39:46""" return time_old.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time_old.localtime()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def post_one(message, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize = 25, mode = 1, color = 16777215, playTime = 0, pool = 0): """ PARS NOT THE PERFECT SAME AS A PAYLOAD!""" headers = {'Origin': 'http://static.hdslb.com', 'X-Requested-With': 'ShockwaveFlash/', 'Referer': 'http://static.hdslb.com/play.swf', 'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Host': 'interface.bilibili.com', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': cookie} url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/dmpost' try: date = getdate() payload = {'fontsize': int(fontsize), 'message': str(message), 'mode': int(mode), 'pool': pool, 'color': int(color), 'date': str(date), 'rnd': int(rnd), 'playTime': playTime, 'cid': int(cid)} encoded_args = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload) r = requests.post(url, data = encoded_args, headers = headers) #print(r.text) if int(r.text) <= 0: logging.warning('Line failed:') logging.warning('Message:' + str(message)) else: print(message) #logging.info(message) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Line failed: %s' % e) print('Payload:' + str(payload)) pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def timestamp2sec(timestamp): """""" return (int(timestamp.seconds) + 60 * int(timestamp.minutes) + 3600 * int(timestamp.hours) + float(int(timestamp.hours) / 1000)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_cookie(cookiepath): """str->list Original target: set the cookie Target now: Set the global header From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" global BILIGRAB_HEADER try: cookies_file = open(cookiepath, 'r') cookies = cookies_file.readlines() cookies_file.close() # print(cookies) return cookies except: print('WARNING: Cannot read cookie, may affect some videos...') return [''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(srt, fontsize, mode, color, cookie, aid, p = 1, cool = 2, pool = 0): """str,int,int,int,str,int,int,int,int->None""" rnd = int(random.random() * 1000000000) cid = int(find_cid_api(aid, p)) subs = pysrt.open(srt) for sub in subs: #lasttime = timestamp2sec(sub.stop) - timestamp2sec(sub.start) # For future use playtime = timestamp2sec(sub.start) message = sub.text if '\n' in message: for line in message.split('\n'): post_one(line, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize, mode, color, playtime, pool) else: post_one(message, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize, mode, color, playtime, pool) time_old.sleep(int(cool)) print('INFO: DONE!') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): """""" print(''' srt2Bilibili https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili http://www.cnbeining.com/ Beining@ACICFG WARNING: THIS PROGRAMME CAN BE DANGEROUS IF MISUSED, AND CAN LEAD TO UNWANTED CONSEQUNCES, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT BAN OF ACCOUNT AND/OR IP ADDRESS, DANMAKU POOL OVERSIZE, RUIN OF NORMAL DANMAKU. ONLY USE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This program is provided **as is**, with absolutely no warranty. Usage: python3 srt2bilibili.py (-h) (-a 12345678) [-p 1] [-c ./bilicookies] (-s 1.srt) [-f 25] [-m 0] [-o 16777215] [-w 2] [-l 0] -h: Default: None Print this usage file. -a: Default: None The av number. -p: Default: 1 The part number. -c Default: ./bilicookies The path of cookies. Should looks like: DedeUserID=123456;DedeUserID__ckMd5=****************;SESSDATA=******************* -s Default: None The srt file you want to post. srt2bilibili will post multi danmakues for multi-line subtitle, since there's a ban on the use of \n. -f Default: 25 The size of danmaku. -m Default: 4 The mode of danmaku. 1: Normal 4: Lower Bound *Suggested 5: Upper Bound 6: Reverse 7: Special 9: Advanced -o Default: 16777215 The colour of danmaku, in integer. -w Default: 2 The cool time (time to wait between posting danmakues) Do not set it too small, which would lead to ban or failure. -l Default: 0 The Danmaku Pool to use. 0: Normal 1: Subtitle 2: Special If you own the video, please set it to 1 to prevent potential lost of danmaku. More info avalable at http://docs.bilibili.cn/wiki/API.comment . ''') if __name__=='__main__': argv_list = [] argv_list = sys.argv[1:] aid, part, cookiepath, srt, fontsize, mode, color, cooltime, playtime, pool = 0, 1, './bilicookies', '', 25, 4, 16777215, 2, 0, 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, "ha:p:c:s:f:m:o:l:", ['help', "av", 'part', 'cookie', 'srt', 'fontsize', 'mode', 'color', 'cooltime', 'pool']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() exit() for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() exit() if o in ('-a', '--av'): aid = a try: argv_list.remove('-a') except: break if o in ('-p', '--part'): part = a try: argv_list.remove('-p') except: part = 1 break if o in ('-c', '--cookie'): cookiepath = a try: argv_list.remove('-c') except: print('INFO: No cookie path set, use default: ./bilicookies') cookiepath = './bilicookies' break if o in ('-s', '--srt'): srt = a try: argv_list.remove('-s') except: break if o in ('-f', '--fontsize'): fontsize = a try: argv_list.remove('-f') except: break if o in ('-m', '--mode'): mode = a try: argv_list.remove('-m') except: mode = 1 break if o in ('-o', '--color'): color = a try: argv_list.remove('-o') except: color = 16777215 break if o in ('-w', '--cooltime'): cooltime = a try: argv_list.remove('-w') except: cooltime = 2 break if o in ('-l', '--pool'): pool = a try: argv_list.remove('-l') except: pool = 0 break if aid == 0: logging.fatal('No aid!') exit() if srt == '': logging.fatal('No srt!') exit() if len(cookiepath) == 0: cookiepath = './bilicookies' cookies = read_cookie(cookiepath) logging.debug('Cookies: ' + cookiepath) BILIGRAB_UA = 'srt2Bilibili / ' + str(VER) + ' ([email protected])' BILIGRAB_HEADER = {'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cookie': cookies[0]} logging.debug(cookies[0]) main(srt, fontsize, mode, color, cookies[0], aid, part, cooltime, pool)
126 行那神奇的六个引号是干什么的……没有 docstring 写也要凑一个空的么?
好像B站官方播放器冷却时间是3秒?我们设置成 2~5 秒之间随机怎样?
还有,time_old.sleep 可以填小数。没必要转换成整数。
def ():
ass?that s another story。
客户端监听每个anonymous user发布弹幕时的广播,
Good idea……不过我没有这个本事实现它……lol,
当然我就是这么一说。。。而且得不到北美和欧洲开源界的支持 不好办啊。。。
ASS可以先用https://pypi.python.org/pypi/asstosrt/0.1.3 转成SRT,然后srt2Bilibili走起。。。