#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG> # Purpose: A batch poster of srt file to danmaku on Bilibili. # Created: 11/23/2014 # srt2Bilibili is licensed under GNUv2 license ''' srt2Bilibili 0.02.1 Beining@ACICFG cnbeining[at]gmail.com http://www.cnbeining.com https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili GNUv2 license ''' import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Python 3.0 or newer version is required.\n') sys.exit(1) try: import requests except: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Requests is required. Please check https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili#usage .\n') sys.exit(1) try: import pysrt except: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Pysrt is required. Please check https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili#usage .\n') sys.exit(1) import os import random import urllib import logging import hashlib import time as time_old import getopt from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString import xml.dom.minidom global APPKEY, SECRETKEY, VER, rnd, cid APPKEY = '85eb6835b0a1034e' SECRETKEY = '2ad42749773c441109bdc0191257a664' VER = '0.02.1' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def calc_sign(string): """str/any->str return MD5. From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" return str(hashlib.md5(str(string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_cid_api(vid, p): """find cid and print video detail str,int?,str->str TODO: Use json. From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" cid = 0 if str(p) is '0' or str(p) is '1': str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) else: str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, p = p, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, p = p, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) logging.debug(biliurl) logging.info('Fetching webpage...') try: request = urllib.request.Request(biliurl, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) data = response.read() dom = parseString(data) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('cid'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": cid = node.toxml()[5:-6] logging.info('cid is ' + cid) break return cid except: # If API failed logging.warning('Cannot connect to API server! \nIf you think this is wrong, please open an issue at \nhttps://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues with *ALL* the screen output, \nas well as your IP address and basic system info.') return 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_cookie(cookie_raw): """str->dict 'DedeUserID=358422; DedeUserID__ckMd5=72682a6838d150dd; SESSDATA=72e0ee97%2C1419212650%2C6b47a180' cookie = {'DedeUserID': 358422, 'DedeUserID__ckMd5': '72682a6838d150dd', 'SESSDATA': '72e0ee97%2C1419212650%2C6b47a180'}""" cookie = {} logging.debug('Raw Cookie: ' + cookie_raw) try: for i in [i.strip() for i in cookie_raw.split(';')]: cookie[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] except IndexError: #if someone put a ; at the EOF pass return cookie #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getdate(): """None->str 2014-11-23 10:39:46""" return time_old.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time_old.localtime()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def post_one(message, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize = 25, mode = 1, color = 16777215, playTime = 0, pool = 0): """ PARS NOT THE PERFECT SAME AS A PAYLOAD!""" headers = {'Origin': 'http://static.hdslb.com', 'X-Requested-With': 'ShockwaveFlash/', 'Referer': 'http://static.hdslb.com/play.swf', 'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Host': 'interface.bilibili.com', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': cookie} url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/dmpost' try: date = getdate() payload = {'fontsize': int(fontsize), 'message': str(message), 'mode': int(mode), 'pool': pool, 'color': int(color), 'date': str(date), 'rnd': int(rnd), 'playTime': playTime, 'cid': int(cid)} encoded_args = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload) r = requests.post(url, data = encoded_args, headers = headers) #print(r.text) if int(r.text) <= 0: logging.warning('Line failed:') logging.warning('Message:' + str(message)) logging.warning('ERROR Code: ' + str(r.text)) else: print(message) #logging.info(message) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Line failed: %s' % e) print('Payload:' + str(payload)) pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def timestamp2sec(timestamp): """SubRipTime->float SubRipTime(0, 0, 0, 0)""" return (int(timestamp.seconds) + 60 * int(timestamp.minutes) + 3600 * int(timestamp.hours) + float(int(timestamp.hours) / 1000)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_cookie(cookiepath): """str->list Original target: set the cookie Target now: Set the global header From: Biligrab, https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT License""" global BILIGRAB_HEADER try: cookies_file = open(cookiepath, 'r') cookies = cookies_file.readlines() cookies_file.close() # print(cookies) return cookies except: logging.warning('Cannot read cookie!') return [''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(srt, fontsize, mode, color, cookie, aid, p = 1, cool = 0.1, pool = 0): """str,int,int,int,str,int,int,int,int->None""" rnd = int(random.random() * 1000000000) cid = int(find_cid_api(aid, p)) subs = pysrt.open(srt) for sub in subs: #lasttime = timestamp2sec(sub.stop) - timestamp2sec(sub.start) # For future use playtime = timestamp2sec(sub.start) message = sub.text if '\n' in message: for line in message.split('\n'): post_one(line, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize, mode, color, playtime, pool) time_old.sleep(float(cool)) else: post_one(message, rnd, cid, cookie, fontsize, mode, color, playtime, pool) time_old.sleep(float(cool)) print('INFO: DONE!') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): """""" print(''' srt2Bilibili https://github.com/cnbeining/srt2bilibili http://www.cnbeining.com/ Beining@ACICFG WARNING: THIS PROGRAMME CAN BE DANGEROUS IF MISUSED, AND CAN LEAD TO UNWANTED CONSEQUNCES, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT BAN OF ACCOUNT AND/OR IP ADDRESS, DANMAKU POOL OVERSIZE, RUIN OF NORMAL DANMAKU. ONLY USE WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This program is provided **as is**, with absolutely no warranty. Usage: python3 srt2bilibili.py (-h) (-a 12345678) [-p 1] [-c ./bilicookies] (-s 1.srt) [-f 18] [-m 0] [-o 16711680] [-w 0.1] [-l 0] -h: Default: None Print this usage file. -a: Default: None The av number. -p: Default: 1 The part number. -c Default: ./bilicookies The path of cookies. Should looks like: DedeUserID=123456;DedeUserID__ckMd5=****************;SESSDATA=******************* -s Default: None The srt file you want to post. srt2bilibili will post multi danmakues for multi-line subtitle, since there's a ban on the use of \n. -f Default: 18 The size of danmaku. -m Default: 4 The mode of danmaku. 1: Normal 4: Lower Bound *Suggested 5: Upper Bound 6: Reverse 7: Special 9: Advanced -o Default: 16711680 The colour of danmaku, in integer. Default is red. -w Default: 0.1 The cool time (time to wait between posting danmakues) Do not set it too small, which would lead to ban or failure. -l Default: 0 The Danmaku Pool to use. 0: Normal 1: Subtitle 2: Special If you own the video, please set it to 1 to prevent potential lost of danmaku. More info avalable at http://docs.bilibili.cn/wiki/API.comment . ''') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': argv_list = [] argv_list = sys.argv[1:] aid, part, cookiepath, srt, fontsize, mode, color, cooltime, playtime, pool = 0, 1, './bilicookies', '', 18, 4, 16711680, 0.1, 0, 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, "ha:p:c:s:f:m:o:w:l:", ['help', "av", 'part', 'cookie', 'srt', 'fontsize', 'mode', 'color', 'cooltime', 'pool']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() exit() for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() exit() if o in ('-a', '--av'): aid = a try: argv_list.remove('-a') except: break if o in ('-p', '--part'): part = a try: argv_list.remove('-p') except: part = 1 break if o in ('-c', '--cookie'): cookiepath = a try: argv_list.remove('-c') except: print('INFO: No cookie path set, use default: ./bilicookies') cookiepath = './bilicookies' break if o in ('-s', '--srt'): srt = a try: argv_list.remove('-s') except: break if o in ('-f', '--fontsize'): fontsize = a try: argv_list.remove('-f') except: break if o in ('-m', '--mode'): mode = a try: argv_list.remove('-m') except: mode = 1 break if o in ('-o', '--color'): color = a try: argv_list.remove('-o') except: color = 16711680 break if o in ('-w', '--cooltime'): cooltime = a try: argv_list.remove('-w') except: cooltime = 0.1 break if o in ('-l', '--pool'): pool = a try: argv_list.remove('-l') except: pool = 0 break if aid == 0: logging.fatal('No aid!') exit() if srt == '': logging.fatal('No srt!') exit() if len(cookiepath) == 0: cookiepath = './bilicookies' cookies = read_cookie(cookiepath) logging.debug('Cookies: ' + cookiepath) BILIGRAB_UA = 'srt2Bilibili / ' + str(VER) + ' ([email protected])' BILIGRAB_HEADER = {'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cookie': cookies[0]} logging.debug(cookies[0]) main(srt, fontsize, mode, color, cookies[0], aid, part, cooltime, pool)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG> # Purpose: Yet another danmaku and video file downloader of Bilibili. # Created: 11/06/2013 # # Biligrab is licensed under MIT license # # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 ''' Biligrab 0.98.28 Beining@ACICFG cnbeining[at]gmail.com http://www.cnbeining.com https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab MIT license ''' import sys import os from StringIO import StringIO import gzip import urllib import urllib2 import math import json import commands import subprocess import hashlib import getopt import logging from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString import xml.dom.minidom try: from danmaku2ass2 import * except: pass reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') global vid, cid, partname, title, videourl, part_now, is_first_run, APPKEY, SECRETKEY, LOG_LEVEL, VER, LOCATION_DIR, VIDEO_FORMAT, convert_ass, is_export, IS_SLIENT, pages, IS_M3U, FFPROBE_USABLE cookies, VIDEO_FORMAT = '', '' LOG_LEVEL, pages, FFPROBE_USABLE = 0, 0, 0 APPKEY = '85eb6835b0a1034e' SECRETKEY = '2ad42749773c441109bdc0191257a664' VER = '0.98.28' FAKE_HEADER = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'} LOCATION_DIR = os.getcwd() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def print_error(data): """str->None""" print('Dumping info...') print('=======================DUMP DATA==================') print(data) print('========================DATA END==================') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def list_del_repeat(list): """delete repeating items in a list, and keep the order. http://www.cnblogs.com/infim/archive/2011/03/10/1979615.html""" l2 = [] [l2.append(i) for i in list if not i in l2] return(l2) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def calc_sign(string): """str/any->str return MD5.""" return str(hashlib.md5(str(string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_cookie(cookiepath): """str->list Original target: set the cookie Target now: Set the global header""" global BILIGRAB_HEADER try: cookies_file = open(cookiepath, 'r') cookies = cookies_file.readlines() cookies_file.close() # print(cookies) return cookies except: print('WARNING: Cannot read cookie, may affect some videos...') return [''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_name(name): """str->str delete all the dramas in the filename.""" return (str(name).strip().replace('\\',' ').replace('/', ' ').replace('&', ' ')).replace('-', ' ') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def mylist_to_aid_list(mylist): """str/int->list""" request = urllib2.Request('http://www.bilibili.com/mylist/mylist-{mylist}.js'.format(mylist = mylist), headers = FAKE_HEADER) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) aid_list = [] data = response.read() for i in data.split('\n')[-3].split(','): if 'aid' in i: aid_list.append(i.split(':')[1]) return aid_list #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_cid_api(vid, p, cookies): """find cid and print video detail str,int?,str->str,str,str,str TODO: Use json.""" global cid, partname, title, videourl, pages cid = 0 title , partname , pages, = '', '', '' if str(p) is '0' or str(p) is '1': str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) else: str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, p = p, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY) biliurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, p = p, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash)) print('DEBUG: ' + biliurl) videourl = 'http://www.bilibili.com/video/av{vid}/index_{p}.html'.format(vid = vid, p = p) print('INFO: Fetching webpage...') try: request = urllib2.Request(biliurl, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) dom = parseString(data) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('cid'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": cid = node.toxml()[5:-6] print('INFO: cid is ' + cid) break for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('partname'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": partname = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[10:-11])) print('INFO: partname is ' + partname) # no more /\ drama break for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('title'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": title = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[7:-8])) print('INFO: Title is ' + title) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('pages'): if node.parentNode.tagName == "info": pages = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[7:-8])) print('INFO: Total pages is ' + str(pages)) return [cid, partname, title, pages] except: # If API failed print( 'WARNING: Cannot connect to API server! \nIf you think this is wrong, please open an issue at \nhttps://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues with *ALL* the screen output, \nas well as your IP address and basic system info.\nYou can get these data via "-l".') if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) else: print('WARNING: Cannot connect to API server!') return ['', '', '', ''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_cid_flvcd(videourl): """str->None set cid.""" global vid, cid, partname, title print('INFO: Fetching webpage via Flvcd...') request = urllib2.Request(videourl, headers=FAKE_HEADER) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(response.read()) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) data = f.read() data_list = data.split('\n') if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) # Todo: read title for lines in data_list: if 'cid=' in lines: cid = lines.split('&') cid = cid[0].split('=') cid = cid[-1] print('INFO: cid is ' + str(cid)) break #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_dependencies(download_software, concat_software, probe_software): """None->str,str,str Will give softwares for concat, download and probe. The detection of Python3 is located at the end of Main function.""" concat_software_list = ['ffmpeg', 'avconv'] download_software_list = ['aria2c', 'axel', 'wget', 'curl'] probe_software_list = ['mediainfo', 'ffprobe'] name_list = [[concat_software, concat_software_list], [download_software, download_software_list], [probe_software, probe_software_list]] for name in name_list: if name[0].strip().lower() not in name[1]: # Unsupported software # Set a Unsupported software, not blank if len(name[0].strip()) != 0: print('WARNING: Requested Software not supported!\n Biligrab only support these following software(s):\n ' + str(name[1]) + '\n Trying to find available one...') for software in name[1]: output = commands.getstatusoutput(software + ' --help') if str(output[0]) != '32512': # If exist name[0] = software break if name[0] == '': print('FATAL: Cannot find software in ' + str(name[1]) + ' !') exit() return name_list[0][0], name_list[1][0], name_list[2][0] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def download_video(part_number, download_software, video_link): """""" if download_software == 'aria2c': cmd = 'aria2c -c -s16 -x16 -k1M --out {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"' elif download_software == 'wget': cmd = 'wget -c -O {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"' elif download_software == 'curl': cmd = 'curl -L -C -o {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"' elif download_software == 'axel': cmd = 'axel -n 20 -o {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"' os.system(cmd.format(part_number = part_number, video_link = video_link)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def concat_videos(concat_software, vid_num, filename): """str,str->None""" global VIDEO_FORMAT if concat_software == 'ffmpeg': f = open('ff.txt', 'w') ff = '' cwd = os.getcwd() for i in range(vid_num): ff = ff + 'file \'{cwd}/{i}.flv\'\n'.format(cwd = cwd, i = i) ff = ff.encode("utf8") f.write(ff) f.close() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(ff) print('INFO: Concating videos...') os.system('ffmpeg -f concat -i ff.txt -c copy "' + filename + '".mp4') VIDEO_FORMAT = 'mp4' if os.path.isfile(str(filename + '.mp4')): os.system('rm -r ff.txt') for i in range(vid_num): os.system('rm -r ' + str(i) + '.flv') print('INFO: Done, enjoy yourself!') else: print('ERROR: Cannot concatenative files, trying to make flv...') os.system('ffmpeg -f concat -i ff.txt -c copy "' + filename + '".flv') VIDEO_FORMAT = 'flv' if os.path.isfile(str(filename + '.flv')): print('WARNING: FLV file made. Not possible to mux to MP4, highly likely due to audio format.') os.system('rm -r ff.txt') for i in range(vid_num): os.system('rm -r ' + str(i) + '.flv') else: print('ERROR: Cannot concatenative files!') elif concat_software == 'avconv': pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_m3u8(url): """str->list Only Youku.""" url_list = [] request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except: print('ERROR: Cannot download required m3u8!') return [] data = response.read() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) data = data.split() if 'youku' in url: return [data[4].split('?')[0]] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_m3u8(video_list): """list->str list: [(VIDEO_URL, TIME_IN_SEC), ...]""" TARGETDURATION = int(max([i[1] for i in video_list])) + 1 line = '#EXTM3U\n#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:{TARGETDURATION}\n#EXT-X-VERSION:2\n'.format(TARGETDURATION = TARGETDURATION) for i in video_list: line += '#EXTINF:{time}\n{url}\n'.format(time = str(i[1]), url = i[0]) line += '#EXT-X-ENDLIST' return line #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_video_address_html5(vid, p, header): """str,str,dict->list Method #3.""" api_url = 'http://m.acg.tv/m/html5?aid={vid}&page={p}'.format(vid = vid, p = p) request = urllib2.Request(api_url, headers=header) url_list = [] try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except: print('ERROR: Cannot connect to HTML5 API!') return [] data = response.read() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) info = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) raw_url = info['src'] if 'error.mp4' in raw_url: print('ERROR: HTML5 API returned ERROR or not avalable!') return [] if 'm3u8' in raw_url: print('INFO: Found m3u8, processing...') return process_m3u8(raw_url) return [raw_url] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_video_address_force_original(cid, header): """str,str->str Give the original URL, if possible. Method #2.""" # Force get oriurl sign_this = calc_sign('appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)) api_url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/player?' request = urllib2.Request(api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}&sign={sign_this}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign_this = sign_this), headers=header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) data = data.split('\n') for l in data: if 'oriurl' in l: originalurl = str(l[8:-9]) print('INFO: Original URL is ' + originalurl) return originalurl print('WARNING: Cannot get original URL! Chances are it does not exist.') return '' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_link_flvcd(videourl): """str->list Used in method 2 and 5.""" print('INFO: Finding link via Flvcd...') request = urllib2.Request('http://www.flvcd.com/parse.php?' + urllib.urlencode([('kw', videourl)]), headers=FAKE_HEADER) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() data_list = data.split('\n') if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) for items in data_list: if 'name' in items and 'inf' in items and 'input' in items: c = items rawurlflvcd = c[59:-5] rawurlflvcd = rawurlflvcd.split('|') return rawurlflvcd #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_video_address_normal_api(cid, header, method, convert_m3u = False): """str,str,str->list Change in 0.98: Return the file list directly. Method: 0: Original API 1: CDN API 2: Original URL API - Divided in another function 3: Mobile API - Divided in another function 4: Flvcd - Divided in another function [(VIDEO_URL, TIME_IN_SEC), ...] """ sign_this = calc_sign('appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)) if method == '1': api_url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/v_cdn_play?' else: #Method 0 or other api_url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/playurl?' request = urllib2.Request(api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}&sign={sign_this}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign_this = sign_this), headers=header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(data) for l in data.split('\n'): # In case shit happens if 'error.mp4' in l: logging.warning('API header may be blocked!') return [] rawurl = [] originalurl = '' dom = parseString(data) if convert_m3u: for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'): length = node.getElementsByTagName('length')[0] url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0] rawurl.append((url.childNodes[0].data, int(int(length.childNodes[0].data) / 1000) + 1)) else: for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'): url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0] rawurl.append(url.childNodes[0].data) return rawurl #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = False): """str->list A full parser for getting video. convert_m3u: [(URL, time_in_sec)] else: [url,url]""" rawurl = [] if oversea == '2': raw_link = find_video_address_force_original(cid, BILIGRAB_HEADER) rawurl = find_link_flvcd(raw_link) elif oversea == '3': rawurl = find_video_address_html5(vid, p, BILIGRAB_HEADER) elif oversea == '4': rawurl = find_link_flvcd(videourl) else: rawurl = find_video_address_normal_api(cid, BILIGRAB_HEADER, oversea, convert_m3u) if 'API_BLOCKED' in rawurl[0]: print('WARNING: API header may be blocked! Using fake one instead...') rawurl = find_video_address_normal_api(cid, FAKE_HEADER, oversea, convert_m3u) return rawurl #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_resolution(filename, probe_software): """str,str->list""" resolution = [] filename = filename + '.' + VIDEO_FORMAT try: if probe_software == 'mediainfo': resolution = get_resolution_mediainfo(filename) if probe_software == 'ffprobe': resolution = get_resolution_ffprobe(filename) if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print('DEBUG: Software: {probe_software}, resolution {resolution}'.format(probe_software = probe_software, resolution = resolution)) return resolution except: # magic number return[1280, 720] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_resolution_mediainfo(filename): """str->list [640,360] path to dimention""" resolution = str(os.popen('mediainfo \'--Inform=Video;%Width%x%Height%\' "' +filename +'"').read()).strip().split('x') return [int(resolution[0]), int(resolution[1])] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_resolution_ffprobe(filename): '''str->list [640,360]''' width = '' height = '' cmnd = [ 'ffprobe', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-pretty', '-loglevel', 'quiet', filename] p = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # print filename out, err = p.communicate() if err: print err return None try: for line in out.split(): if 'width=' in line: width = line.split('=')[1] if 'height=' in line: height = line.split('=')[1] except: return None # return width + 'x' + height return [int(width), int(height)] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_url_size(url): """str->int Get remote URL size by reading Content-Length. In bytes.""" site = urllib.urlopen(url) meta = site.info() return int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getvideosize(url, verbose=False): try: if url.startswith('http:') or url.startswith('https:'): ffprobe_command = ['ffprobe', '-icy', '0', '-loglevel', 'repeat+warning' if verbose else 'repeat+error', '-print_format', 'json', '-select_streams', 'v', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-timeout', '60000000', '-user-agent', BILIGRAB_UA, url] else: ffprobe_command = ['ffprobe', '-loglevel', 'repeat+warning' if verbose else 'repeat+error', '-print_format', 'json', '-select_streams', 'v', '-show_streams', url] logcommand(ffprobe_command) ffprobe_process = subprocess.Popen(ffprobe_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: ffprobe_output = json.loads(ffprobe_process.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'replace')) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning('Cancelling getting video size, press Ctrl-C again to terminate.') ffprobe_process.terminate() return 0, 0 width, height, widthxheight, duration, total_bitrate = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 try: if dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'format')['duration'] > duration: duration = dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'format')['duration'] except: pass for stream in dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'streams', []): try: if duration == 0 and (dict.get(stream, 'duration') > duration): duration = dict.get(stream, 'duration') if dict.get(stream, 'width')*dict.get(stream, 'height') > widthxheight: width, height = dict.get(stream, 'width'), dict.get(stream, 'height') if dict.get(stream, 'bit_rate') > total_bitrate: total_bitrate += int(dict.get(stream, 'bit_rate')) except Exception: pass if duration == 0: duration = int(get_url_size(url) * 8 / total_bitrate) return [[int(width), int(height)], int(float(duration))+1] except Exception as e: logorraise(e) return [[0, 0], 0] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_ass_py3(filename, probe_software, resolution = [0, 0]): """str,str->None With danmaku2ass, branch master. https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass/ Author: @m13253 GPLv3 A simple way to do that. resolution_str:1920x1080""" xml_name = os.path.abspath(filename + '.xml') ass_name = filename + '.ass' print('INFO: Converting danmaku to ASS file with danmaku2ass(main)...') print(resolution) print('INFO: Resolution is %dx%d' % (resolution[0], resolution[1])) if resolution == [0, 0]: print('INFO: Trying to get resolution...') resolution = get_resolution(filename, probe_software) print('INFO: Resolution is %dx%d' % (resolution[0], resolution[1])) if os.system('python3 %s/danmaku2ass3.py -o %s -s %dx%d -fs %d -a 0.8 -l 8 %s' % (LOCATION_DIR, ass_name, resolution[0], resolution[1], int(math.ceil(resolution[1] / 21.6)), xml_name)) == 0: print('INFO: The ASS file should be ready!') else: print('ERROR: Danmaku2ASS failed.') print(' Head to https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass/issues to complain about this.') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_ass_py2(filename, probe_software, resolution = [0, 0]): """str,str->None With danmaku2ass, branch py2. https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass/tree/py2 Author: @m13253 GPLv3""" print('INFO: Converting danmaku to ASS file with danmaku2ass(py2)...') xml_name = filename + '.xml' if resolution == [0, 0]: print('INFO: Trying to get resolution...') resolution = get_resolution(filename, probe_software) print('INFO: Resolution is %dx%d' % (resolution[0], resolution[1])) #convert_ass(xml_name, filename + '.ass', resolution) try: Danmaku2ASS(xml_name, filename + '.ass', resolution[0], resolution[1], font_size=int(math.ceil(resolution[1] / 21.6)), text_opacity=0.8, comment_duration=8.0) print('INFO: The ASS file should be ready!') except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Danmaku2ASS failed: %s' % e) print(' Head to https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass/issues to complain about this.') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def download_danmaku(cid, filename): """str,str,int->None Download XML file, and convert to ASS(if required) Used to be in main(), but replaced due to the merge of -m (BiligrabLite). If danmaku only, will see whether need to export ASS.""" print('INFO: Fetching XML...') os.system( 'curl -o "' + filename +'.xml" --compressed http://comment.bilibili.com/' + cid + '.xml') #os.system('gzip -d '+cid+'.xml.gz') print('INFO: The XML file, ' + filename + '.xml should be ready...enjoy!') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def logcommand(command_line): logging.debug('Executing: '+' '.join('\''+i+'\'' if ' ' in i or '&' in i or '"' in i else i for i in command_line)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def logorraise(message, debug=False): if debug: raise message else: logging.error(str(message)) ######################################################################## class DanmakuOnlyException(Exception): '''Deal with DanmakuOnly to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class Danmaku2Ass2Exception(Exception): '''Deal with Danmaku2ASS2 to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class NoCidException(Exception): '''Deal with no cid to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class NoVideoURLException(Exception): '''Deal with no video URL to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class ExportM3UException(Exception): '''Deal with export to m3u to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def main( vid, p, oversea, cookies, download_software, concat_software, is_export, probe_software, danmaku_only): global cid, partname, title, videourl, is_first_run videourl = 'http://www.bilibili.com/video/av{vid}/index_{p}.html'.format(vid = vid, p = p) # Check both software print(concat_software, download_software) # Start to find cid, api cid, partname, title, pages = find_cid_api(vid, p, cookies) if cid is 0: print('WARNING: Cannot find cid, trying to do it brutely...') find_cid_flvcd(videourl) if cid is 0: if IS_SLIENT == 0: is_black3 = str( raw_input('WARNING: Strange, still cannot find cid... \nType y for trying the unpredictable way, or input the cid by yourself; Press ENTER to quit.')) else: is_black3 = 'y' if 'y' in str(is_black3): vid = str(int(vid) - 1) p = 1 find_cid_api(int(vid) - 1, p) cid = cid + 1 elif str(is_black3) is '': raise NoCidException('FATAL: Cannot get cid anyway!') else: cid = str(is_black3) # start to make folders... if title is not '': folder = title else: folder = cid if len(partname) is not 0: filename = partname elif title is not '': filename = title else: filename = cid # In case make too much folders folder_to_make = os.getcwd() + '/' + folder if is_first_run == 0: if not os.path.exists(folder_to_make): os.makedirs(folder_to_make) is_first_run = 1 os.chdir(folder_to_make) # Download Danmaku download_danmaku(cid, filename) if is_export >= 1 and IS_M3U != 1 and danmaku_only == 1: rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u=True) resolution = getvideosize(rawurl[0]) convert_ass(filename, probe_software, resolution = resolution) if IS_M3U == 1: rawurl = [] #M3U export, then stop if oversea in {'0', '1'}: rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u=True) else: duration_list = [] rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u=False) for url in rawurl: duration_list.append(getvideosize(url)[1]) rawurl = map(lambda x,y: (x, y), rawurl, duration_list) print(rawurl) resolution = getvideosize(rawurl[0][0])[0] m3u_file = make_m3u8(rawurl) f = open(filename + '.m3u', 'w') cwd = os.getcwd() m3u_file = m3u_file.encode("utf8") f.write(m3u_file) f.close() convert_ass(filename, probe_software, resolution = resolution) if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print_error(m3u_file) raise ExportM3UException('INFO: Export to M3U') if danmaku_only == 1: raise DanmakuOnlyException('INFO: Danmaku only') # Find video location print('INFO: Finding video location...') # try api # flvcd rawurl = get_video(oversea) if len(rawurl) == 0 and oversea != '4': # hope this never happen print('WARNING: API failed, using falloff plan...') rawurl = find_link_flvcd(videourl) vid_num = len(rawurl) if IS_SLIENT == 0 and vid_num == 0: rawurl = list(str(raw_input('ERROR: Cannot get download URL! If you know the url, please enter it now; URL1|URL2...'))).split('|') vid_num = len(rawurl) if vid_num is 0: # shit really hit the fan raise NoVIdeoURLException('FATAL: Cannot get video URL anyway!') print('INFO: {vid_num} videos in part {part_now} to download, fetch yourself a cup of coffee...'.format(vid_num = vid_num, part_now = part_now)) for i in range(vid_num): video_link = rawurl[i] part_number = str(i) print('INFO: Downloading {slice_now} of {vid_num} videos in part {part_now}...'.format(slice_now = str(i + 1), vid_num = vid_num, part_now = part_now)) # Call a function to support multiple download softwares download_video(part_number, download_software, video_link) concat_videos(concat_software, vid_num, filename) if is_export >= 1: try: convert_ass(filename, probe_software) except: print('WARNING: Problem with ASS convertion!') pass print('INFO: Part Done!') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_full_p(p_raw): """str->list""" p_list = [] p_raw = p_raw.split(',') for item in p_raw: if '~' in item: # print(item) lower = 0 higher = 0 item = item.split('~') part_now = '0' try: lower = int(item[0]) except: print('WARNING: Cannot read lower!') try: higher = int(item[1]) except: print('WARNING: Cannot read higher!') if lower == 0 or higher == 0: if lower == 0 and higher != 0: lower = higher elif lower != 0 and higher == 0: higher = lower else: print( 'WARNING: Cannot find any higher or lower, ignoring...') # break mid = 0 if higher < lower: mid = higher higher = lower lower = mid p_list.append(lower) while lower < higher: lower = lower + 1 p_list.append(lower) # break else: try: p_list.append(int(item)) except: print('WARNING: Cannot read "' + str(item) + '", abondon it.') # break p_list = list_del_repeat(p_list) return p_list #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_dependencies_exportm3u(IS_M3U): """int,str->int,str""" if IS_M3U == 1: output = commands.getstatusoutput('ffprobe --help') if str(output[0]) == '32512': err_input = str(raw_input('ERROR: ffprobe DNE, python3 does not exist or not callable! Do you want to exit, ignore or stop the converting?(e/i/s)')) if err_input == 'e': exit() elif err_input == '2': FFPROBE_USABLE = 0 elif err_input == 's': IS_M3U = 0 else: print('WARNING: Cannot read input, stop the converting!') IS_M3U = 0 else: FFPROBE_USABLE = 1 return IS_M3U #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export): """int,str->int,str""" if is_export == 3: convert_ass = convert_ass_py3 output = commands.getstatusoutput('python3 --help') if str(output[0]) == '32512' or not os.path.exists('danmaku2ass3.py'): err_input = str( raw_input( 'ERROR: danmaku2ass3.py DNE, python3 does not exist or not callable! Do you want to exit, use Python 2.x or stop the converting?(e/2/s)')) if err_input == 'e': exit() elif err_input == '2': convert_ass = convert_ass_py2 is_export = 2 elif err_input == 's': is_export = 0 else: print('WARNING: Cannot read input, stop the converting!') is_export = 0 elif is_export == 2 or is_export == 1: convert_ass = convert_ass_py2 if not os.path.exists('danmaku2ass2.py'): err_input = str( raw_input( 'ERROR: danmaku2ass2.py DNE! Do you want to exit, use Python 3.x or stop the converting?(e/3/s)')) if err_input == 'e': exit() elif err_input == '3': convert_ass = convert_ass_py3 is_export = 3 elif err_input == 's': is_export = 0 else: print('WARNING: Cannot read input, stop the converting!') is_export = 0 else: convert_ass = convert_ass_py2 return is_export, convert_ass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): """""" print(''' Biligrab https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab http://www.cnbeining.com/ Beining@ACICFG Usage: python biligrab.py (-h) (-a) (-p) (-s) (-c) (-d) (-v) (-l) (-e) (-p) (-m) (-n) (-u) (-t) -h: Default: None Print this usage file. -a: Default: None The av number. If not set, Biligrab will use the falloff interact mode. Support "~", "," and mix use. Examples: Input Output 1 [1] 1,2 [1, 2] 1~3 [1, 2, 3] 1,2~3 [1, 2, 3] -p: Default: 0 The part number. Able to use the same syntax as "-a". If set to 0, Biligrab will download all the avalable parts in the video. -s: Default: 0 Source to download. 0: The original API source, can be Letv backup, and can failed if the original video is not avalable(e.g., deleted) 1: The CDN API source, "oversea accelerate". Can be MINICDN backup in Mainland China or oversea. Good to bypass some bangumi's limit. 2: Force to use the original source. Use Flvcd to parase the video, but would fail if 1) The original source DNE, e.g., some old videos 2) The original source is Letvcloud itself. 3) Other unknown reason(s) that stops Flvcd from parasing the video. For any video that failed to parse, Biligrab will try to use Flvcd. (Mainly for oversea users regarding to copyright-restricted bangumies.) If the API is blocked, Biligrab would fake the UA. 3: (Not stable) Use the HTML5 API. This works for downloading some cached Letvcloud videos, but is slow, and would fail for no reason sometimes. 4: Use Flvcd. Good to fight with oversea and copyright restriction, but not working with iQiyi. -c: Default: ./bilicookies The path of cookies. Use cookies to visit member-only videos. -d: Default: None Set the desired download software. Biligrab supports aria2c(16 threads), axel(20 threads), wget and curl by far. If not set, Biligrab will detect an avalable one; If none of those is avalable, Biligrab will quit. For more software support, please open an issue at https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues/ -v: Default:None Set the desired download software. Biligrab supports ffmpeg by far. If not set, Biligrab will detect an avalable one; If none of those is avalable, Biligrab will quit. For more software support, please open an issue at https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues/ Make sure you include a *working* command line example of this software! -l: Default: 0 Dump the log of the output for better debugging. -e: Default: 1 Export Danmaku to ASS file. Fulfilled with danmaku2ass(https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass/tree/py2), Author: @m13253, GPLv3 License. *For issue with this function, if you think the problem lies on the danmaku2ass side, please open the issue at both projects.* If set to 1 or 2, Biligrab will use Danmaku2ass's py2 branch. If set to 3, Biligrab will use Danmaku2ass's master branch, which would require a python3 callable via 'python3'. If python3 not callable or danmaku2ass2/3 DNE, Biligrab will ask for action. -p: Default: None Set the probe software. Biligrab supports Mediainfo and FFprobe. If not set, Biligrab will detect an avalable one; If none of those is avalable, Biligrab will quit. For more software support, please open an issue at https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues/ Make sure you include a *working* command line example of this software! -m: Default: 0 Only download the danmaku. -n: Default: 0 Slient Mode. Biligrab will not ask any question. -u: Default: 0 Export video link to .m3u file, which can be used with MPlayer, mpc, VLC, etc. Biligrab will export a m3u8 instead of downloading any video(s). Can be broken with sources other than 0 or 1. -t: Default: None The number of Mylist. Biligrab will process all the videos in this list. ''') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': is_first_run, is_export, danmaku_only, IS_SLIENT, IS_M3U, mylist = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 argv_list,av_list = [], [] argv_list = sys.argv[1:] p_raw, vid, oversea, cookiepath, download_software, concat_software, probe_software, vid_raw = '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' convert_ass = convert_ass_py2 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, "ha:p:s:c:d:v:l:e:b:m:n:u:t:", ['help', "av", 'part', 'source', 'cookie', 'download', 'concat', 'log', 'export', 'probe', 'danmaku', 'slient', 'm3u', 'mylist']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() exit() for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() exit() if o in ('-a', '--av'): vid_raw = a try: argv_list.remove('-a') except: break if o in ('-p', '--part'): p_raw = a try: argv_list.remove('-p') except: break if o in ('-s', '--source'): oversea = a try: argv_list.remove('-s') except: break if o in ('-c', '--cookie'): cookiepath = a try: argv_list.remove('-c') except: print('INFO: No cookie path set, use default: ./bilicookies') cookiepath = './bilicookies' break if o in ('-d', '--download'): download_software = a try: argv_list.remove('-d') except: break if o in ('-v', '--concat'): concat_software = a try: argv_list.remove('-v') except: break if o in ('-l', '--log'): LOG_LEVEL = int(a) print('INFO: Log enabled!') try: argv_list.remove('-l') except: LOG_LEVEL = 0 break if o in ('-e', '--export'): is_export = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-e') except: is_export = 1 break if o in ('-b', '--probe'): probe_software = a try: argv_list.remove('-b') except: break if o in ('-m', '--danmaku'): danmaku_only = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-m') except: break if o in ('-n', '--slient'): IS_SLIENT = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-n') except: break if o in ('-u', '--m3u'): IS_M3U = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-u') except: break if o in ('-t', '--mylist'): mylist = a try: argv_list.remove('-t') except: break if len(vid_raw) == 0: vid_raw = str(raw_input('av')) p_raw = str(raw_input('P')) oversea = str(raw_input('Source?')) cookiepath = './bilicookies' av_list = get_full_p(vid_raw) if mylist != 0: av_list += mylist_to_aid_list(mylist) if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print(av_list) if len(cookiepath) == 0: cookiepath = './bilicookies' if len(p_raw) == 0: print('INFO: No part number set, download all the parts.') p_raw = '0' if len(oversea) == 0: oversea = '0' print('INFO: Oversea not set, use original API(methon 0).') IS_M3U = check_dependencies_exportm3u(IS_M3U) if IS_M3U == 1 and oversea not in {'0', '1'}: # See issue #8 print('INFO: M3U exporting with source other than 0 or 1 can be broken, and lead to wrong duration!') if IS_SLIENT == 0: input_raw = str(raw_input('Enter "q" to quit, or enter the source you want.')) if input_raw == 'q': exit() else: oversea = input_raw concat_software, download_software, probe_software = check_dependencies(download_software, concat_software, probe_software) p_list = get_full_p(p_raw) if len(av_list) > 1 and len(p_list) > 1: print('WARNING: You are downloading multi parts from multiple videos! This may result in unpredictable outputs!') if IS_SLIENT == 0: input_raw = str( raw_input('Enter "y" to continue, "n" to only download the first part, "q" to quit, or enter the part number you want.')) if input_raw == 'y': pass elif input_raw == 'n': p_list = ['1'] elif input_raw == 'q': exit() else: p_list = get_full_p(input_raw) cookies = read_cookie(cookiepath) global BILIGRAB_HEADER, BILIGRAB_UA # deal with danmaku2ass's drama / Twice in case someone failed to check dependencies is_export, convert_ass = check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export) is_export, convert_ass = check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export) BILIGRAB_UA = 'Biligrab / ' + str(VER) + ' ([email protected])' BILIGRAB_HEADER = {'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cookie': cookies[0]} if LOG_LEVEL == 1: print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nWARNING: This log contains some sensive data. You may want to delete some part of the data before you post it publicly!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') print(BILIGRAB_HEADER) try: request = urllib2.Request( 'http://ipinfo.io/json', headers=FAKE_HEADER) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() print('INFO: Dumping info...') print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nWARNING: This log contains some sensive data. You may want to delete some part of the data before you post it publicly!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') print('=======================DUMP DATA==================') print(data) print('========================DATA END==================') print('DEBUG: ' + str(av_list)) except: print('WARNING: Cannot connect to IP-geo database server!') pass for av in av_list: vid = str(av) if str(p_raw) == '0': print('INFO: You are downloading all the parts in this video...') try: p_raw = str('1~' + find_cid_api(vid, p_raw, cookies)[3]) p_list = get_full_p(p_raw) except: print('WARNING: Error when reading all the parts!') if IS_SLIENT == 0: input_raw = str( raw_input('Enter the part number you want, or "q" to quit.')) if input_raw == '0': print('ERROR: Cannot use all the parts!') exit() elif input_raw == 'q': exit() else: p_list = get_full_p(input_raw) else: print('WARNING: Download the first part of the video...') p_raw = '1' p_list = [1] print('INFO: Your target download is av{vid}, part {p_raw}, from source {oversea}'.format(vid = vid, p_raw = p_raw, oversea = oversea)) for p in p_list: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') part_now = str(p) try: print('INFO: Downloading part ' + str(p) + ' ...') main( vid, p, oversea, cookies, download_software, concat_software, is_export, probe_software, danmaku_only) except DanmakuOnlyException: pass except ExportM3UException: pass except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Biligrab failed: %s' % e) print(' If you think this should not happen, please dump your log using "-l", and open a issue ar https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab/issues .') print(' Make sure you delete all the sensive data before you post it publicly.') exit()