#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG> # Purpose: Upload to Letvcloud via Bilibili's API # Created: 07/17/2014 import urllib2, urllib import sys import os import json import subprocess import hashlib import getopt import logging import traceback from io import open global VER VER = u'0.01' global cookiepath cookiepath = u'./bilicookies' global vu_list vu_list = [] global BILILEUPLOAD_UA BILILEUPLOAD_UA = u'BiliLeupload / ' + unicode(VER) + u' ([email protected])' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_upload(source_id): u"""""" request_info = urllib2.Request(u'http://api.letvcloud.com/gpc.php?&sign=signxxxxx&cf=html5&vu='+source_id+'&ver=2.1&ran=0.6220391783863306&qr=2&format=json&uu=ab417c1571') try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request_info) data = response.read() return json.loads(data.decode(u'utf-8'))[u'message'] except: return u'Cannot check '+source_id+u' !' ######################################################################## class LetvUploadAPICannotReachException(Exception): u'''Deal with LetvUploadAPICannotReach to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class LetvUploadAPICannotReadException(Exception): u'''Deal with LetvUploadAPICannotReach to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class LetvUploadAPIErrorException(Exception): u'''Deal with LetvUploadAPIError to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ######################################################################## class NotFileException(Exception): u'''Deal with NotFile to stop the main() function.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload(file2Upload, proxytype = u'', proxy_address = u'', curl_args = u'', cookies = u''): u"""""" #Read Cookie.....Damn it I didn't have my supper! #Damn why I still didn't have my supper when I edit it 6 months later!!!!!!!!! #Get filename filename = file2Upload.split(u'/')[-1].strip() #print(filename) if not os.path.isfile(file2Upload): raise NotFileException(u'Not file!') #Calculate Filesize #Not used to upload extreme large file, may cause problem filesize = os.path.getsize(file2Upload) #print(filesize) #Fetch UploadUrl request_full = urllib2.Request(u'http://member.bilibili.com/get_upload_url', headers={ u'User-Agent' : BILILEUPLOAD_UA, u'Cache-Control': u'no-cache', u'Pragma': u'no-cache' , u'Cookie': cookies}) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request_full) except Exception: raise LetvUploadAPICannotReachException(u'Cannot get response from server!') data = response.read() uploadresponse = json.loads(data.decode(u'utf-8')) if not uploadresponse['url']: logging.error(u'ERROR: '+ uploadresponse[u'error_msg']) raise LetvUploadAPIErrorException(u'ERROR: Not success!') #print(uploadresponse['upload_url']) try: #make filename remote_name = uploadresponse[u'file_name'] remote_ip = uploadresponse[u'server_ip'] #status_url = uploadresponse[u'progress_url'] source_id = uploadresponse[u'file_name'].split('|')[0] #start upload upload_url = uploadresponse[u'url'] except KeyError: logging.error(u'Cannot decode this one!') raise LetvUploadAPICannotReadException(u'Cannot decode this one!') #print(upload_url) print (u'Upload server IP address: ' + remote_ip) proxy_args = u'' if proxytype == u's': proxy_args = u'--socks5 "{proxy_address}"'.format(proxy_address = proxy_address) elif proxytype == u'h': proxy_args = u'-x "{proxy_address}"'.format(proxy_address = proxy_address) curl_cmd = u'curl -A "{BILILEUPLOAD_UA}" -F "file=@{filename}" {curl_args} {proxy_args} "{upload_url}" | cat #'.format(BILILEUPLOAD_UA = BILILEUPLOAD_UA, filename = filename, curl_args = curl_args, proxy_args = proxy_args, upload_url = upload_url) #print(curl_cmd) #os.system('curl -A \'\' -F \"file=@'+filename+'\" \"'+upload_url+'\" | cat #') os.system(curl_cmd) print (u'\n' + u'Hope everything is fine. {filename} , {source_id}'.format(filename = filename, source_id = source_id)) vu_list.append([filename, source_id]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_exists(cmd): return subprocess.call(u"type " + cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): u"""""" print u''' BiliLeUpload https://github.com/cnbeining/Biligrab http://www.cnbeining.com/ Beining@ACICFG Usage: python bilileupload.py (-h/--help) (-e/--examine) (-c/--cookie ./cookiepath) (-t/--proxy-type [h/s]) (-p/--proxy-address (-a/--curl-args -V) -h/help: Default: None Print this usage file. -e/examine: Default: 0 If enabled, acupload will examine all the uploads via the API. May return 404 if the speed is too fast. -c/cookie: Default:'./accookies' Set the path of cookie. -t/proxy-type: Default: Blank Set the type of proxy, if you want to use. s: SOCKS h: HTTP -p/proxy-address: Default: Blank Set the proxy address, if enabled by -t. Format: -a/curl-args: Default: Blank Other arguments you want ot put on curl.''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_cookie(cookiepath): u"""str->list Original target: set the cookie""" try: cookies_file = open(cookiepath, u'r') cookies = cookies_file.readlines() cookies_file.close() # print(cookies) return cookies except: logging.warning(u'Cannot read cookie!') return [u''] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__==u'__main__': #Test sys encoding IS_EXAMINE = 0 SERVER_ISP = '' proxytype, proxy_address, curl_args= u'', u'', u'' if not sys.getdefaultencoding() is u'utf-8': os.system(u'export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"') #Test curl proxytype = u'' if not cmd_exists(u'curl'): logging.fatal(u'We need curl to upload your file! Get one with apt-get, yum or homebrew.') exit() argv_list = sys.argv[1:] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, u"hec:t:p:a:s:", [u'help', u"examine", u'cookie=', u'proxy-type=', u'proxy-address=', u'curl-args=', u'server=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() exit() for o, a in opts: if o in (u'-h', u'--help'): usage() exit() if o in (u'-c', u'--cookie'): cookiepath = a if o in (u'-e', u'--examine'): IS_EXAMINE = 1 if o in (u'-t', u'--proxy-type'): proxytype = a print proxytype if proxytype != u's' and proxytype != u'h': logging.warning(u'Cannot read proxy type, will use no proxy!') proxytype = u'' if o in (u'-p', u'--proxy-address'): proxy_address = a if o in (u'-a', u'--curl-args'): curl_args = a if o in (u'-s', u'--server'): SERVER_ISP = a total_file_num = len(args) if total_file_num == 0: logging.fatal(u'No input file to upload!') exit() try: #move here to avoid reading it multiple times cookies = open(cookiepath, u'r').readline() #print(cookies) except: logging.fatal(u'I am hungry, please give me your Cookie!') exit() i = 0 for file2Upload in args: #print(name) i = i + 1 print (u'Uploading '+ unicode(i)+u' in '+unicode(total_file_num)+u' files...') try: upload(file2Upload, proxytype= proxytype, proxy_address= proxy_address, curl_args = curl_args, cookies = cookies) except Exception, e: print (u'ERROR: BiliLeUpload failed: %s' % e) print u' If you think this should not happen, please open a issue at https://github.com/cnbeining/acupload/issues .' print u' Make sure you delete all the sensive data before you post it publicly.' traceback.print_exc() pass #os.system('export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"') COOKIE = read_cookie(cookiepath)[0] if COOKIE == u'': logging.error(u'Cannot get upload URL due to lack of cookie!') exit() #makes this selectable if IS_EXAMINE == 1: for media in vu_list: try: print (media[0] + u',' + media[1] + u','+check_upload(media[1])) except Exception, e: print (u'ERROR: BiliLeUpload examination failed: %s' % e) print u' If you think this should not happen, please open a issue at https://github.com/cnbeining/acupload/issues .' print u' Make sure you delete all the sensive data before you post it publicly.' traceback.print_exc() pass