#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG> # Contact: http://www.cnbeining.com/ |https://github.com/cnbeining/audioblacker # Purpose: Patch video's audio part to bypass Letvcloud's transcode. # Created: 08/21/2014 # LICENSE: GNU v2 import sys import os import os, sys, subprocess, shlex, re from subprocess import call import uuid import math import shutil import getopt #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def probe_file(filename): cmnd = ['ffprobe', '-show_format', '-pretty', '-loglevel', 'quiet', filename] p = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #print filename out, err = p.communicate() #print out if err: print err return None return out #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def time_to_sec(time_raw): """ str->int ignore .*.""" hr = int(time_raw.split(':')[0]) * 3600 minute = int(time_raw.split(':')[1]) * 60 sec = int(float(time_raw.split(':')[2])) return int(hr + minute + sec) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_abspath(filename): """""" return str(os.path.abspath(filename)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def process(filename, target_bitrate, audiobitrate, safe, outputfile): """str,int,int,str->? filename,outputfile comes with the path. safe=0: directly convert the file to m4a""" tmpdir = '/tmp/Audioblacker-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) audio_format = '' audio_duration = '' audio_bitrate = '' video_format = '' video_duration = '' video_bitrate = '' ff = '' #demux audio file # Add this to save time, for experienced users print('INFO: Checking audio and remux...') if safe == 0: #directly to m4a to save space os.system('ffmpeg -i \'' + filename + '\' -vn -c:a copy ' + tmpdir+'/audio.m4a' +'> /dev/null 2>&1') try: for line in probe_file(tmpdir+'/audio.m4a').split('\n'): #print(line) if 'duration' in line: audio_duration = str(line.split('=')[1]) except: print('ERROR: Cannot read audio file!') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) exit() else: os.system('ffmpeg -i \'' + filename + '\' -vn -c:a copy ' + tmpdir+'/audio.aac' +'> /dev/null 2>&1') try: for line in probe_file(tmpdir+'/audio.aac').split('\n'): if 'format_name' in line: audio_format = str(line.split('=')[1]) if 'duration' in line: audio_duration = str(line.split('=')[1]) print('INFO: Converting to m4a and clean cache...') os.system('ffmpeg -i \'' + filename + '\' -vn -c:a copy ' + tmpdir+'/audio.m4a' +'> /dev/null 2>&1') try: os.remove(tmpdir+'/audio.aac') pass except: print('WARNING: Cannot remove the aac file now...') except: print('ERROR: Cannot read audio file!') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) exit() #In case someone screw the audio up if not 'aac' in audio_format: print(audio_format) print('ERROR: You have to use AAC as audio format!') exit() #Check original file try: for line in probe_file(filename).split('\n'): if 'duration' in line: video_duration = str(line.split('=')[1]) break except: print('ERROR: Cannot read video file!') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) exit() #Calc... #time_by_video print('INFO: Doing calculation...') try: video_duration_sec = time_to_sec(video_duration) video_size_byte = int(os.path.getsize(filename)) audio_duration_sec = time_to_sec(audio_duration) audio_size_byte = int(os.path.getsize(tmpdir+'/audio.m4a')) except: print('ERROR: Cannot calculate time, did you input a bitrate too high?') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) exit() #!!!!!FLOAT DUE TO ACCURACY!!!!! target_byterate = target_bitrate / 8.0 target_audiobyterate = audiobitrate / 8.0 time_video = int(math.ceil((video_size_byte - target_byterate * video_duration_sec) / (target_byterate - 470))) time_audio = int(math.ceil((audio_size_byte - target_audiobyterate * audio_duration_sec) / (target_audiobyterate - 470))) if time_audio < 0 and time_video < 0: print('ERROR: Cannot calculate target, your target bitrate is higher than the original file!') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) exit() if time_audio == 0 and time_video == 0: time_patch = 60 elif time_audio > time_video: time_patch = time_audio + 10 else: time_patch = time_video + 10 #Make audio patch print('INFO: Making ' + str(time_patch) + ' secs blank audio...') os.system('ffmpeg -filter_complex \'aevalsrc=0:d=' + str(time_patch) + '\' -strict experimental -c:a aac ' + tmpdir + '/black.m4a'+'> /dev/null 2>&1') f = open(tmpdir + '/audiocode.txt', 'w') ff = 'file \'' + tmpdir + '/audio.m4a\'' + '\n' + 'file \'' + tmpdir + '/black.m4a\'' py_path = sys.path[0] os.chdir(py_path) f.write(ff) f.close() print('INFO: Concating audios...') os.system('ffmpeg -f concat -i '+ tmpdir + '/audiocode.txt -c copy '+ tmpdir +'/audiopatched.m4a'+'> /dev/null 2>&1') print('INFO: Making final output file...') os.system('ffmpeg -i ' + filename + ' -i ' + tmpdir +'/audiopatched.m4a -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 '+outputfile +'> /dev/null 2>&1') print('Done!') #clean up try: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) except: print('ERROR: Cannot remove temp dir, do it by yourself!') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): """""" print('''Usage: python audioblacker.py (-h) (-i input.mp4) (-o output.mp4) (-b 1900000) (-a 110000) (-s 1) -h: Default: None Help. -i: Default: Blank Input file. If the file and audioblacker are not under the same path, it is suggested to use absolute path to avoid possible failure. -o Default: input-filename.black.mp4 Output file. Would be in the same folder with the original file if not specified. -b: Default: 1900000 Target bitrate. -a: Default: 110000 Target audio bitrate. audioblacker would calculate both of the required black time, and choose the larger one to make sure your convert is successful. Please notice that if your original video/audio bitrate is too small, audioblacker would throw you an ERROR and quit. -s: Default: 1 Use safe mode. audioblacker would check whether the file's audio is AAC. Disabling would save you some space and time, if you know what you are doing. ''') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': argv_list = [] argv_list = sys.argv[1:] filename = '' target_bitrate = 1900000 outputfile = '' safe = 1 audiobitrate = 110000 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, "hi:b:a:o:s:", ['help', 'input','bitrate', 'audiobitrate' 'outputfile', 'safe']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() exit() for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() exit() elif o in ('-i', '--input'): filename = a try: argv_list.remove('-i') except: break elif o in ('-b', '--bitrate'): target_bitrate = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-b') except: break elif o in ('-a', '--audiobitrate'): audiobitrate = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-a') except: break elif o in ('-o', '--outputfile'): outputfile = a try: argv_list.remove('-o') except: break elif o in ('-s', '--safe'): safe = int(a) try: argv_list.remove('-s') except: break if filename == '': print('ERROR: No input file!') exit() if outputfile == '': outputfile = filename.split('.')[0] for i in filename.split('.')[1:-1]: outputfile = outputfile + '.' + i outputfile = outputfile + '.black.mp4' process(filename, target_bitrate, audiobitrate, safe, outputfile) exit()