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WANT to own a piece of Manitoba history, albeit a very large piece of history?
If so, you're in luck: The infamous Air Canada Boeing 767 that made history as the Gimli Glider is up for auction in April.
But you'll need to have a bit of money in your bank account.
Terry Lobzun, of Collector Car Productions, the company holding the auction via avideo presentation at the Toronto Classic Car Auction on April 14, said the aircraft's owners are expecting to get from $2.75 million to $3 million for it.
Collector Car Productions 的Terry Lobzun 称现拥有者的目标价格是275~300万加币。
"It can be flyable and it can be delivered," Lobzun said on Thursday from the company's offices in Blenheim, Ont.
周四,Lobzun 在位于安省Blenheim 的办公室称该飞机仍可飞行,可以交付。
"To get it back into service, they'd have to jump through some hoops and it probably wouldn't be economically feasible, but it can be flyable to deliver it to be put on display. It would be nice to see it at the Western Canada Aviation Museum or Gimli.
“要让这架飞机重新服役,还需要跨过几道门槛,可能经济上并不划算,但是它还是可以飞到展览的地方的。如果这架飞机能在西加拿大飞行博物馆或基米尼 展出,就再好不过了。
(super注释:西加拿大飞行博物馆 位于温尼伯,同基米尼一样位于曼省 )
"But if it went to Gimli, you'd just have to let the motorsport people know it's coming this time," he said laughing.
The plane is currently housed at a facility in California.
The aircraft gained fame when, because of a fuel conversion error between metric and imperial units, not enough fuel was taken on before it was bound for Edmontonon July 23, 1983.
The plane's engines ran out of fuel at 41,000 feet and the powerless plane was glided to the former air force base in Gimli, forcing spectators at a drag strip to get out of the way. Nobody was injured.
The aircraft flew regularly until it was retired from service in 2008.
If the plane returns to Manitoba, it probably won't be parked at the aviation museum.
Shirley Render, the museum's executive director, said while the plane landed in Gimli with empty fuel tanks almost 30 years ago, it is still too new for their collection.
Shirley Render ,博物馆的执行董事,表示虽然迫降时间发生在30年之前,作为展品来讲,这架飞机仍然太新。
"It's too much on what people fly today," Render said.
"Our focus is on the old planes which people don't know too much about... it would be lovely but it wouldn't be on our dream list."
原文:Original 'Gimli Glider' can be yours for a few million
来自Winnipeg Free Press,作者Kevin Rollason。
空中浩劫S05E02 “基米尼滑翔机”

转载:WordPress 如何批量修改文章信息?

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  • 博客更换域名,博客文章的内容也要跟着换
  • 使用的图片地址更换了
  • 写了很多文章,回过头来想切换作者
  • 想删除某个可恶留言者的所有留言
  • 想更改某个留言者所有留言的网站URL
  • 想要禁用所有文章的pingback
  • 想要禁用所有文章的评论功能

如果你没学过数据库的相关知识,肯定不知道SQL是什么,但是本文所涉及到的内容不需要你了解数据库的知识,也不需要你精通SQL语句的编写,你完全可以直接使用本文提到的SQL,下面我们将分条介绍各个SQL语句的功能,所有语句都使用默认的 wp_ 表前缀,如果你的不是,请自行更改。
菜单栏有个 SQL 选项,点击进去
输入完毕,点击 执行 ,将执行你刚才输入的SQL语句



UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content = REPLACE( post_content, 以前的', '现在的' );

该语句的功能是将所有文章中的 以前的 字眼,全部替换成 现在的,你可以根据需要做一些更改。因为文章内容在数据库中是以HTML代码形式存储的,所以以上SQL语句同样可以替换HTML代码。

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content =
REPLACE (post_content, 'src="oldurl.com', 'src="newurl.com');


UPDATE wp_posts
SET guid = REPLACE (guid, 'oldsiteurl.com', 'newsiteurl.com')
WHERE post_type = 'attachment';




UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_excerpt = REPLACE( post_excerpt, 'AA', 'BB' );

该语句的功能是将所有文章摘要中的 AA 字眼,全部替换成 BB。



UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_author = 李四用户id
WHERE post_author = 张三用户id;

那如何获得 李四的用户id 和 张三的用户id 呢?你可以执行以下SQL语句:

SELECT ID, user_nicename, display_name FROM wp_users;


UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_author = 5
WHERE post_author = 2;




UPDATE wp_comments
SET comment_author_url =
REPLACE( comment_author_url, 'oldurl.com', 'newurl.com' )



开启pingback功能,可以在别人引用你的文章链接的情况下,给你发送通知,但是该功能似乎对我们的文章没多大帮助,那为何不把pingback给禁止了呢?在WordPress后台 – 设置 – 讨论,取消勾选"接收来自外部博客的引用通告(pingbacks 和 trackbacks)",这样以后的文章都不开启pingback,但是该选项不会对之前的已发布的文章起作用,还是要用到SQL:

UPDATE wp_posts
SET ping_status = 'closed';




DELETE a,b,c
FROM wp_posts a
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships b ON (a.ID = b.object_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta c ON (a.ID = c.post_id)
WHERE a.post_type = 'revision';




(1)根据留言者的博客URL进行删除,以下SQL语句将删除所有URL为 www.example.com 的评论


DELETE FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_author_url LIKE '%www.example.com%';


(2)根据留言者的昵称进行删除,以下语句将删除所有昵称为 example 的评论


DELETE FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_author = 'example';


(3)根据留言者的Email进行删除,以下语句将删除所有Email为 example@example.com 的评论


DELETE FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_author_email = 'example@example.com';



国内的互联网监控力度表现出了不断加强的趋势,如果你的博客评论中出现了大量的敏感词汇,很可能离被墙也不远了。最好的做法是,替换相关的敏感词汇,以保证你的博客安全,以下SQL语句将所有评论中的 fuck,替换成 **,替换内容根据你的需要来。

UPDATE wp_comments
SET comment_content = REPLACE( comment_content, 'fuck', '**' );



有时候你的博客可能会因为某种原因,需要关闭文章的评论。在WordPress后台 – 设置 – 讨论,那里取消勾选"允许人们发表新文章的评论",以后发表的文章默认是关闭评论的。但是之前已经发表的文章,若想关闭评论需要你一篇一篇地去修改评论设置,这是一件比较痛苦的事情。以下SQL语句可以帮助你轻松地批量关闭文章评论:

(1) 关闭所有旧文章的评论:


UPDATE wp_posts
SET comment_status = 'closed'
WHERE post_date < '2009-01-01' AND post_status = 'publish';


(2) 关闭所有文章的评论:


UPDATE wp_posts
SET comment_status = 'closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish';


A fix of GFW’blocking WordPress under complex environment

A fix of GFW'blocking WordPress under complex environment


Maybe it 's for I am outside the GFW, I do not really know that Openshift had been banned by GFW- or least partly.
To fix this, one of the easiest ways is to use a CDN to "boost" a alias binded to your gear, and change your setting of website.
But, this has a little problem for me.
Firstly, I just moved to this blog, and links of pictures and CSSes are big problems, for they are pointing to my real URL, which is blocked.
Secondly, to access this blog quickly, I made a little change to wp-config.php.(http://www.superwbd3.tk/2013/02/diary-wordpresss-multi-domains/) to add another alias, superwbd3.tk, in order to visit it directly.
My original idea is not to let CDN impair my visit, but if I enable this, I cannot change the website of WordPress.
Catch 22.

So, here 's my way so fix this:

This is based on Openshift, but should work everywhere.
1. Use CDN on your alias.
2.You can keep the change in wp-config.php. Won't hurt you.
3.Add phpmyadmin on your blog.
[important]4.Make a backup of your database. Operations next cannot been reverse, and may cause permanent amage.[/important]
4.Replace your old domain to a new CDN-accelerated one:
To replace post_content:

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content =
REPLACE (post_content, '@@@-###.rhcloud.com', 'www.superwbd3.tk');

If pictures are attachments, change GUID:

UPDATE wp_posts  SET
guid = REPLACE (guid,'@@@-###.rhcloud.com', 'www.superwbd3.tk') WHERE post_type = 'attachment';

And update all CSSes' URL:

UPDATE &nbsp;wp_options  SET
option_value = REPLACE (option_value,'@@@-###.rhcloud.com', 'www.superwbd3.tk')

Now have a try.
If failed, check:
Is your CDN 's IP address also banned?
Did you change everything? Are your CSSes' URL new ones?

How to move a WP Blog

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1.Save all your imformation with a XML file. Backup everything.
2.Install a new blog.
3. Throw the XML file in.
4.Change all the settings.
Reasons that the old one was soooo slow:
1.Old server.
2.Had down serveral times.
3.A lot of conflicts.
Hope this time will help.
Openshift Bind alias:

rhc alias add (name) www.superwbd3.tk

Remove alias:

rhc alias add (name) www.superwbd3.tk

对比:方正黑体_GBK 方正综艺_GBK 微软雅黑

中:方正黑体_GBK 英:方正综艺_GBK(人人字幕组的方案)
中:方正黑体_GBK 英:微软雅黑(参照物)
中:方正黑体简体 英:微软雅黑(ACI字幕组目前的方案)

Diary: WordPress’s multi domains

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Sometimes you need to use more domains for your blog.
Like, www.superwbd3.tk  &  superwbd3.tk.
If you set one, even if you point your DNS to its ip address, it won't make any difference.
Just add these to your blog's wp-config.php:

$wphome = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$wpsiteurl = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
define('WP_HOME', $wphome);
define('WP_SITEURL', $wpsiteurl);

That 's it.

Is Cloudflare really doing me good?

      2 Comments on Is Cloudflare really doing me good?

If you refer to my record, you will know that this blog is on Openshift 's Amazon US EC2.
So, in order to "boost" a little bit, I used a CDN- just like everyone does.
1. I do not want to push Openshift too hard- since AWS 's fee is calculated by traffic, I like to save a little bit to help Redhat to make it free.
2.Cloudflare is free- and no traffic or speed limit.
Well, what we think is that since CDN have servers all over the world, your user's traffic would be routed to the nearest server to make it quick.
BUT, I am wrong this time.
With any remote Ping tool on the Internet, you will find out that all your traffic are routed to the US West servers. Ah, forgot to mention, you have to set your DNS to Cloudflare's DNS.
So, it means that ALL your traffic would go through US West.
BUT, hell, AWS is in US East, and I am in Canada East!  The speed is driving me crazy.
So you know what to do: Think twice before you "take advantage" of the free CDN.


(CNN) -- Dutch airline Transavia said it has launched an investigation after a Boeing 737 pilot was locked out of the cockpit and his first officer was later found asleep at the controls.
德国的Transavia 航空在一架737的驾驶员被睡着的副驾驶关在驾驶舱外之后,开展了调查。
The incident took place in September, when the airliner was en route from Greece to the Netherlands, a top Dutch safety investigation agency said. The 737 landed safely in Amsterdam as scheduled, the airline said Wednesday.
According to a Dutch Safety Board report released Wednesday, the pilot stepped out of the cockpit to take a bathroom break about 2½ hours into the flight.
When he returned a short time later, the pilot used an intercom to ask his first officer to open the door. There was no answer, the report said.
Eventually, the pilot alerted the crew and was able to open the door himself. That's when he found the first officer asleep, according to the report.
"It's a serious incident," said Wim van der Weegen of the Dutch Safety Board, "What makes it serious is the combination of the pilot being unable to access the cockpit and the first officer being asleep.
"By 'serious incident,' I mean the flight was in danger," he said.
(super批注:Silkair 185.。。。。)
The Dutch Safety Board will decide whether to open its own inquiry when the airline's investigation is finished, van der Weegen said.
Laws regarding pilot breaks during flights vary from country to country. For U.S. carriers, sleeping while at the controls is a violation of FAA regulations. Flights longer than eight hours require a relief pilot on board to take over when pilots sleep.
U.S. airlines also require a flight attendant to be in the cockpit when the pilot or first officer take bathroom breaks, in case the person flying the aircraft becomes incapacitated.
GnatB Zephyr • 3 days ago
They weren't on autopilot?。。。这人剩下的话不是重点。难道没有自动驾驶吗?
(以下不一定逐字翻译,但是重点肯定不会缺)Zephyr GnatB • 2 days ago
Autolands do exist, and they are used in extreme weather on some aircraft. Let's set aside the fact that they require some pretty involved programming before the approach begins and no airliner has an autoland programmed before they have a runway assignment from the destination ATC. We'll also ignore the fact that autolands can land in zero visibility, but aren't so good at strong crosswinds, tailwinds, or turbulence creating large pitch excursions. Both the runway (like you said) AND the airplane have to be equipped with the capability. The flight was going to Amsterdam, so at least one runway there would be so equipped. The airplane probably was not. Autoland technology can be installed on any airliner, but it's expensive and you'll primarily see it on the largest long-haul jets in a major airline's fleet. It's pretty uncommon at budget airlines and on smaller jets used for shorter over-land routes because the cost of an occasional fog-related diversion is generally less than the cost of installing and maintaining the system. I don't know for sure, but I doubt an airline like Transvia would have sprung for that cost. Saying that airliners can land themselves is like saying cars can parallel park themselves. The technology exists, sure, but most of the cars driving around the city don't have it.
Autolands aside, people misunderstand autopilots themselves. Modern airliners do have the autopilot on for the majority of the flight, but that autopilot requires constant inputs. Even the most advanced airliners out there don't start their descent without pilot input. The technology might technically exist, but jets fly in complicated, congested airspace and you don't start a descent until have clearance from ATC, which means that you don't have the descent programmed until you actually hear ATC clear you to start down. When the autopilot is on, pilots are constantly manually programming it to turn to headings, intercept new courses, start climbs, start descents, slow down, speed up, etc. The pilot's hands might not be on the yoke and thrust levers, but they're still telling the airplane to do every step along the way.
That's why those flights with pilots asleep and/or distracted overflew their destinations. Without input to start down, the airplane would laterally track the last course programmed into the flight management system at the last altitude it was flying at. When it reached the end of its programmed route it would default into just flying straight ahead. This also happened to the private jet carrying golfer Payne Stewart after it suffered a decompression that rendered the pilots unconscious but the airplane physically unharmed. The flight was supposed to be from Florida to Dallas, but without pilot inputs it ended up flying a constant heading until it ran out of fuel and crashed...in South Dakota.
所以,如果飞行员睡着了,有可能飞过头。现在的自动驾驶仪是,按设定飞向最终的路径点。到达之后,就直线飞行。Payne Stewart这人的飞机就是这样,飞行员睡着了,结果飞机一飞行,最终坠毁。应该是从弗罗里达到达拉斯,结果飞机竟然飞到了南达科他州。
As for aircraft taxiing themselves, that technology is being looked into by Honeywell and a few other companies but it is years away from actual real world testing. Despite advances in technology, airliners still require a (conscious) pilot at the controls. You will get into a city bus without a driver before you board an airliner without a pilot.
(edited) Wow, I get long-winded. Apologies for the length.好吧,写的太长了。。。(好吧,你累死我了。。。)